JZS Presents: Mark Whitwell – Teaching without Power Structures

Sobota, 30.11.2019 in nedelja, 1.12.2019

9.00 do 12.00 in 14.00 do 17.00 (pavza od 12.00 do 14.00)

Trajanje: 6 ur na dan
Cena za člane* JZS: 50 € (zgodnji ptič – registracija do 1. 10. 2019) / 70 €
Cena za zunanje udeležence: 200 € (možnost registracije šele po 1. 10. 2019, v primeru prostih mest)

Lokacija: Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, Slovenska cesta 34, Ljubljana

Registracija: info@joga-zdruzenje.si (mesto si zagotovite s plačilom – če potrebujete račun na podjetje, to napišite ob prijavi)

Joga Združenje Slovenije z največjim veseljem in ponosom predstavlja svetovno znanega učitelja joge – starosto Krishnamacharijeve tradicije Marka Whitwella! Ne zamudite te edinstvene priložnosti, da spoznate njegovo srčno, intimno, čuječe poučevanje joge, ki bo obogatilo vsako učiteljico/učitelja joge!

The teaching of the heart of Yoga is: the thought structure that assumes a teacher is a knower or an authority must dissolve. The patriarchy creates and thrives on the thought structure that someone “knows” and therefore others do not. It is false. The success of powerful men, be it in spiritual or secular worlds, does not lift all people. It enslaves all people. Clearly everyone is already the power, pure intelligence, and utter beauty of the cosmos and is in perfect and intrinsic harmony with the rest of the cosmos. Yoga is merely participation in this fact, which is true whether or not it is acknowledged by the mind. To make our Yoga pure and honest we must dissolve the power structures that sell us patterned behaviour towards a future ideal and instead participate in our own life-current. We throw out all patterns put in us by orthodoxy and claim our own life.

During the two days, we will:
– explore adding mantra to asana and pranayama practices
– experience asana as moving pranayama, and how asana and pranayama can lead to effortless meditation
– explore how breath and bandha create alignment, not the will of mind of practitioner or teacher
– learn how the principles of breath and bandha taught by Krishnamacharya can be integrated into the Yoga you already know and love, to “supercharge” it
– explore a range of pranayama for different student needs
– discuss how to make sure the teacher is “no more than a friend, no less than a friend” and dissolve imaginary hierarchies
– learn how to make home yoga practice accessible to every student
– explore what “advanced” really means beyond just physical attainment of asana.
– learn how to keep students safe in the studio and at home.

What Mark Teaches

Mark teaches Ha-Tha Yoga, which against common understanding means all physical forms of Yoga practice, not a specific “style”. Hatha means the merging of the sun and moon, the male and female, prana and apana (two energies), and is a purificating and re-balancing practice where breath and body movement are one. The practice includes Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises which move, activate and increase Prana, vital energy), Bandha (energy locks), Meditation, Relaxation and Chanting.

Join internationally beloved teacher Mark Whitwell as he shares the principles from his teachers, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, ‘the teacher of the teachers’, and his son T.K.V. Desikachar.
Mark has taught yoga for over three decades throughout the US, Asia, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, and is the editor and contributor to TKV Desikachar’s book The Heart of Yoga.
These principles are easily learned and will ensure the Yoga that you teach and practice is efficient, powerful, and safe—grounded in breath and bandha. Mark has been teaching for decades around the globe the tools that enable every individual to find the Yoga that is right for them: participation in life, not a struggle to become something or someone else.

More about Mark Whitwell

*za aktivnega člana se smatrajo tisti, ki so v letu 2019 poravnali članarino.