Za vstop v leto 2022 smo se povezali s Tantrika Institutom!
Priključi se online predavanjem, ki jih boš lahko spremljal-a v lastem ritmu.
Cena tečaja je za člane JZS 60 € (redna cena je drugače 149$)
Kako se priključiš?
Do 25. 1. nam pošlješ prijavo in plačaš račun, ki ti ga bomo poslali (če potrebujete račun na pravno osebo nam to prej napišite). Potem v februarju pa ti bo Tantrika Institut poslal dostop do programa!
*obvezno je tudi poravnana članarina/obnovljeno članstvo za 2022
The Real Story of Yoga
Have you explored the history of yoga before but discovered inaccuracies in the story you were told? Or maybe you’ve never immersed yourself in this complex history and your story has been cobbled together from outside sources, incomplete and lacking clarity?
Tantrika Institute’s newest online course, The Real Story of Yoga, aims to set the record straight while addressing why some of these inaccuracies arise in the retelling of this fascinating history. This inspired course is entirely self-guided and will, over the course of ten deep video lessons with Hareesh, explore the entire history of the spiritual system associated with the word “yoga” as well as the real human beings whose lived experiences create the fabric of this story.
This self-paced online course will explore the history of the yogic tradition in ten, detailed and historically accurate video lessons.
– The True Origins of Yoga –
– The Story of Buddha –
– Seeking Reality –
– Defining Yoga: The Upanishads –
– The Bhagavad Gita –
– Exploring the Philosophical Terrain –
– Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras –
– History of Tantrik and Hatha Yoga –
– What is Tantra? –
– Tantrik Yoga Practice and Summary –
Meet Your Guide
Hareesh is founder and head faculty of Tantrika Institute, and the author of Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition and The Recognition Sutras: Illuminating a 1,000-Year-Old Spiritual Masterpiece. Initiated into the practice of yogic meditation at the age of 16, Hareesh received traditional yoga education at ashrams in upstate New York and India. He then gained higher education at university in religion and classics, Sanskrit, and classical Indian religions.